To all Members and Visitors to our Club,

The Noosa Dolphins aim to create a welcoming, enjoyable, calm and safe environment for junior rugby, and as part of continually improving what we do, we have implemented the 'Don’t be a Duck' campaign.

What is 'Don’t be a Duck'? It's a simple message that we can use with each other to remind each other about expected behaviour when at our Club. You’ll see 'Don’t be a Duck' signs around our ground to remind you.

We all have permission If someone is not behaving in an appropriate manner, we all have permission to tap each other on the shoulder and say 'Don’t be a Duck'.

What DO we expect? 

  • Smile and say “hello”
  • Enjoy watching your child play
  • Applaud and cheer good play
  • Enjoy something from our canteen 
  • Enjoy good conversation and a bit of banter with other supporters.

Quick tip: sometimes the best support is to say and do nothing at all – we call it 'silent support' – just watch and enjoy.

We DO NOT have time for 

  • Applauding player errors
  • Taunting and jeering and intimidating players
  • Yelling at the referee
  • Intimidating music
  • Abusive language.

Stuff this! I’ll do what I want! If supporters (or coaches for that matter) can’t behave in an appropriate manner then expect consequences ranging from a tap on the shoulder – 'Don’t be a Duck' – through to the match being halted, rescheduled and groups being banned from our Club.

Visiting coaches and visiting officials have a special role to play in creating the right environment in that they are responsible for the behaviour of their team and their team’s supporters; coaches should expect to manage the behaviour of their supporters.

We look forward to welcoming you to enjoy junior rugby with us.