The award recipients for 2018 are;
Best and Fairest: Levi Davison
Runner Up BF: Loki Bell
Best In Finals: Levi Davison
Leading Goal Kicker: Levi Davison
Best Backman: Campbell Keeler
Best Utility: Loki Bell
Most Improved: Leo Reeman
Coaches Award: Matthew Laskey
Best Clubman: Sam Reeman
Best First Year Player: Aaron Smith
Achievement Award: Charlie Raff
Most Courageous: Eddie Clemons
Best and Fairest: Doug Cox
Runner Up Best and Fairest: Joel Williams
Best In Finals: Doug Cox
Leading Goal Kicker: Ryan Mather
Best Backman: Jak Youd
Most Courageous: Levi Davison
Best Utility: Luke Morris
Most Consistent: Joel Williams
Coaches Award: Barry Hucker
Best Clubman: Joel Williams
Best First Year Player: Kobi Bell
Best and Fairest: Jess Gold
Runner Up Best and Fairest: Kelly Nelson
Best In Finals: Kelly Nelson
Players Player: Tegan Hennessy and Rachel Johnson
Coaches Award: Sam Batey and Simone Lee
Life Membership: Brett Castles
Morrison Award: Shelley Graham
Dear Member,
On behalf of the committee and players I would like to thank you for your support over the past season and encourage you to continue that support for the 2018 season.
Reflecting on last year, the CFNC had all three teams make it to the Grand Final with the Robins netball team winning the 2017 flag. When considering our struggle with low player numbers last year we are certainly proud of our achievement.
Again in 2018, we have a challenge on our hands to ensure we attract enough players at both levels of football. We all have a responsibility to push through these tough times, to ensure that King Island Football stays healthy and alive into the future. Every member is a recruiter for our club so I encourage everyone to put yourself out there in our community, talking to people about our club, and actively recruiting for players in all teams.
Your new committee for 2018 is;
President: Trevor Stones
Vice President: Vacant
Secretary: Shelley Graham
Treasurer: Sean Johnson
Committee Members: Brett Castles, Tegan Hennessy, Rachel Johnson, Graeme Bell, Joel Williams, Sue Williams, Stacy Martin, Sam Reeman.
Club Patrons: Vernon Philbey, Ian Styles
Senior Coach: Joel Williams /Brett Castles/Jared Williams
Junior Coach: Graeme Bell
Netball Coach: Rachel Johnson/Kelly Nelson
Canteen Manager: Sharon Johnson
Although we have already held our AGM and formed a committee, it is not too late be to be involved. Please speak with any of the committee if you are willing to help throughout the season. New ideas are more than welcome to keep our club current and enjoyable from a social perspective.
2018 Football Roster
May 5 North v Currie Bellevue Game
May 12 North v Grassy
May 19 Currie v Grassy
May 26 Currie v North
June 2 Grassy v North at Grassy
June 9 BYE
June 16 Grassy v Currie at Grassy
June 23 North v Currie
June 30 North v Grassy
July 7 Grassy v Currie at Grassy Reunion
July 14 Currie v North
July 21 Grassy v North at Grassy
July 28 Currie v Grassy
Aug 4 North v Currie
Aug 11 Grassy v North at Grassy
Aug 18 Currie v Grassy
August 25 SEMI FINAL
September 1 GRAND FINAL
2018 Robins Netball Roster
May 17th 6pm North bulldogs Vs Robins
May 24th 7.30pm Yesmads Vs Robins
May 31st 6pm Robins Vs Skittles
June 7th 6pm Robins Vs Hooligans
June 14th BYE
June 21st 7.30pm North Bulldogs Vs Robins
June 28th 6pm Robins Vs Yesmads
July 5th 7.30pm Robins Vs Skittles
July 12th 7.30pm Robins Vs Hooligans
July 19th BYE
August 2nd SEMI FINALS
Our CFNC Annual Presentation Dinner will be held on the 8th of September. Our mid-year function will be held on 30th June. More details on these events will follow.
We will have our home game functions at the King Island Club after every home game. These are at 5.30pm for a 6pm sharp start in the Cabernet room. Each coach will present the awards for the day, nibbles will be provided.
A very big thank you again to all sponsors, volunteers and members that are already in action, we look forward to your continued support in the coming season.
I am sure that you will join me in wishing the Junior and Senior football teams and the Currie Robins Netball team success for 2018.
Yours Sincerely on behalf of the CFNC committee
Trevor Stones
Currie Football Netball Club
Payment for Currie Football Netball Club Membership 2018 can be made;
Postal Address..............................................................................................................................
Email Address..............................................................................................................................
How would you like to be contacted regarding club events etc
o Email oPost o Phone o CFNC Facebook Page
Type of Membership for 2017
o Single $30 o Double $50 o Off island $30 for 3 years