Ballinger Park Tennis Club @ Buderim

​​​​​​​P 07 5445 5561  |  E​​​​​​​

Online court booking is now available via the court hire page - Book Here

Check out our new Singles Flex League under play programmes​​​​​​​

Social Tennis available 4 days a week, just turn up - learn more here 

Proud to be supported by:

Sunshine Coast Council’s grants program

Queensland Government Sports and Recreation Grants

​​​​​​​Gambling Community Benefit Fund

Tennis Australia

Tennis Queensland

Shanahan Family Law


The process:

1. New Player Membership applications AND RENEWALS please fill out the registration form below to ensure your details are up to date. 

2. Once this has been received you will be sent an emailed invoice allowing you to pay securely online with a credit/debit card. Contact the Club if you wish to pay by another method. 

3. Confirmation of your membership will be sent once payment is recieved. 

We offer the following membership categories, with benefit and fees shown below:

1. Full Adult Club Membership

2. Adult Player

3. Adult Fixtures  (minimum to qualify for Tennis Australia sanctioned competition play)

4 Junior Player

Fees and benefits;

Family                                   $220 - Playing subscription for 2 adults and up to 3 Children under 16 - Discounted court rates - Tennis Queensland Registration and Insurance

Adult Player/Adult Club*       $110 - single adult - Discounted court hire rates - Tennis Queensland Registration and Insurance

Junior                                    $55 - Discounted court hire rates - Tennis Queensland Registration and Insurance

Adult Fixtures Only               $70 - Tennis Queensland Registration and Insurance for affiliated competitions

Court Hire/Play programme rates & conditions for Members from 1 March 2025;

1. $2 per session discount on all club internal social/comp play programs 

2. Member playing with member(s)...... $5/hr

3. Member playing with guest(s) ...........$10/hour

4. Courts must be booked , preferably by using the online booking system, or by calling the club number. 

5. During peak times ( 3pm-6pm each day) a member may book only one court at a time unless by special arrangement. 

6. Access to courts is via a Members KeySafe holding a key for all courts and a key for the clubhouse. 

7. Court time must be paid for, and courts and clubhouse must be locked, on completion of play. 

8. By agreeing to membership players agree to be bound by Tennis Australias code of conduct for players.

9. The Club reserves the right to terminate a players membership if any of these conditions are not abided.

*Only Full Adult Club members have voting rights on Club matters. An individual must first have been an Adult Playing Member for one year to qualify for nomination as a Full Adult Club member. The nomination must be provided in writing on the correct form to the club secretary, including a nomination and second by existing Full Adult Members.

Ballinger Park Tennis Club Inc. has public liability insurance through Sportscover Australia Pty Ltd, to the amount of $20,000,000..