Junior Football 2021 Information: Boys and Girls
This season Brendan McCartney will continue to lend his years of experience to the coaching development of our Junior Coaches and support all players across our Junior boys and girls from U9 thorugh to Colts. As a former AFL coach and ex-development and strategy coach of the Melbourne Football Club we are excited to have such expertise in our Club. Brendan will pave the way with a one club approach, teaching the skills needed in a sequential program building on AFL match play drills with increased complexity, throughout the age groups.
We aim to provide a safe and friendly environment for all, that is educative and creates social opportunities for participant’s development, as well as providing a program that enables ALL individuals to experience personal achievement, building competence, enhanced self-esteem, social cooperation, maximum participation and skill development in a FUN environment.
We will start the season with a “Junior Launch” night on Friday 12th of March at 5.00pm. Apart from the Sausage Sizzle to enjoy, there will be many coaches on hand to join the Juniors for some fun training drills and activities. We will have our annual boot swap so bring down those footy boots that no longer fit (Please give them a scrub prior) Any Auskickers are also welcome to come along and join in the night.
We would like to make the following announcements regarding our Junior Coaches and Support Staff for 2021.
U17 Matt Hanrahan & Terry Tseros & Cameron Digiandomenico & Kerry Nichols
U15 Joel Rogers & Matt Drew
U13 Aaron Blake
U11 Denise Airey Assistants Luke Carson & Scott Uebergang
U10 Scott Quayle and Steve Guarnaccia
U9 Bruce Cohen
U12 Girls Mark Walsh
There may be more than one team in each age group as more registrations come in so additional coaches and assistants will be appointed as needed.
Registrations can only be done online this year, and fees are as follows;
U9, U10, U11 U12 $165
U13, U15, U17 $195
Click on the tile on RHS to register
We welcome all those that are looking to contribute to the running of season 2021, whether it be with training, match day, helping with the committee, canteen duty, social events and more.
Each team will also need a team manager, first aid representative and U11’s & up will also need a runner. If one of these roles is something you would like to do please contact me or see the relevant coach who will be glad to have you on board.
Training days and times are as follows: Any changes will be made by coaches and communicated directly to you once the season begins
U17 - Tuesday and Thursday 4:30pm - 5:30pm Main oval
U15 - Tuesday and Thursday 4:30pm - 5:30pm Oval 2 if available
U13 - Wednesday 5:30pm - 6:30pm (starts March 3rd) Oval 2
U11 - Wednesday 4:30pm - 5:30pm (starts March 3rd) Oval 2
U12 GIRLS - Wednesday 5:00-6:00pm (starts March 3rd) Oval 2
U10 - Wednesday 4:30pm - 5:30pm (starts March 3rd) Main oval
U9 - Wednesday 4:30pm - 5:30pm (Starts March 3rd) Main oval
Auskick will start at on Sunday 18 April, 9.30 to 10.30am - see Auskick page for more details
Hope to see you all soon.
Sean Jones
Junior Football President
Bell Park Sport & Recreation Club
Hamlyn Park | Calvert Street | Hamlyn Heights 3215
Mobile 0417 550 748