
Senior training Days: Tuesday & Thursday

*NEW Junior Registration

*NEW Seniors Registration 

*NEW Updated Club Records 


After a long spell between league premierships the Cup is back in Nabawa after 32 years!

You can view all the action and celebrations below...

​​​​​​​Please help us welcome the incoming committee for 2025 here

  • If you would like to register your interest in the Events Committee for the 2025 season, please complete the contact us form 


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Senior Team Announcements:

Every Thursday Night during the season at Spalding Park Golf Club - Bring your family down for a meal and the bar will also be open.

Player registrations are via PLAYHQ 

You can follow the club on the socials here

If you have an Agenda item for the next Committee Meeting please send any incoming correspondence via email ​​​​​​​